Privacy Policy
Information pursuant to Article 13 of European Regulation 2016/679concerning personal data processing "GDPR"
Ecocart Spa processes personal data in compliance with the user rights concerned, in a lawful, transparent and correct manner. This information only concerns the treatment, operated by Ecocart Spa, in its commercial relations and on the website, not also third parties processing who owns the websites to which this site redirects. On these sites Ecocart Spa has no control and does not respond to the processing of data that occurs on them. The interested User is therefore obliged to consult the privacy policy of third-party sites.
Purpose of the treatment (Why we use your data)
Methods of treatment (How we treat them)
Types of data (What data we ask for)
Nature of data provision (Why it is necessary to use them)
Communication and dissemination of personal data (to whom we transmit them)
Interested party Rights (What can you ask us)
Data Controller (About Us)
Update (Consult us often)
1. Purpose of the processing
Data that users transmit to Ecocart Spa in commercial relations, or through the site, may be processed for the following purposes, related to the offered services and exclusively within the scope of it:
a) administrative management of the Company;
b) management of relationships with employees;
c) management of relationships with self-employed or external companies;
d) protection of company assets;
e) regulation of access to company premises;
f) interaction with the company website;
g) insertion personal data in the informatic and/or analogical corporate databases;
h) conclusion of the contract and the management of orders;
i) elaboration of internal statistics;
j) acquisition of job applications, through the section of the site "work with us" or at a counter or through any type of transmission;
k) issuance of transport documents, invoices and credit notes;
l) maintenance of ordinary accounting and VAT;
m) management of receipts and payments;
n) execution of the services;
o) interaction with social networks;
p) sending commercial information relating to the services offered by Ecocart Spa, news, by telephone, chat, IM, social media, social networks, mail, courier, e-mail;
q) exchange of communications concerning economic, administrative and commercial activity of the company (by telephone, chat, IM, social media, social networks, mail, courier, e-mail);
r) marketing purposes including the creation and publishing images in promotional events;
s) anti-money laundering purposes;
t) credit protection, through the communication of payment data, commercial information companies for the assessment of solvency and payment methods;
u) fulfilling the laws, regulations, community legislation, civil and tax laws.
Depending on the considered purpose, the legal basis of the treatment is constituted by the Law, by the contract with the interested party, by the legitimate interest of the holder or by the consent of the interested party. The legitimate owner interests consist in direct marketing (within the limits permitted by law), in the site's functionalities verification and its improvement, company assets protection and in the commercial communications optimization.
2. Methods of processing
The processing is carried out by means of any operation or complex of operations, performed with the help of automated processes and also in analogical mode, applied to personal data or to sets of personal data, adopting the appropriate security measures, aimed to prevent illegal use or data loss , as unauthorized access as well.
Where necessary, consent will be required for marketing and commercial communication purposes, as per letters p) and r) of point 1, through appropriate checkboxes, after data entry. This consent is optional, if not provided there will be no consequence but failure to provide it may make it impossibleto receive offers for improvements, promotions and marketing activities. The site and the company's commercial offer convey information and, consequently, process personal data, also through social networks (through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, for example) and social media (such as Whatsapp, for example): in compliance to the Guidelines of the Privacy Guarantor on social spam of 04.07.2013, we inform the interested party that advertising contacts with automated systems will take place on these channels only with the prior consent of the interested party, while on social networks could receive communications for the sole fact of following (follow) the page or the profile. If the User does not intend to give his data, he is therefore bound to leave the site.
Personal data will be kept for the time necessary to pursue every single purpose or, ceased the purpose of treatment, for the imposed time and / or permitted by law, for example for tax reasons or for the duration of prescription or forfeiture related to the contractual or extra-contractual relationship.
If the data are not collected from the data subject, this can be done because they are retrieved from other sources, for example the public records from which the data were taken, to the extent permitted by law. Data may come from contact lists legally acquired by Ecocart (for example, from services such as Yellow Pages ).
3. Types of data
Customer data
To interact with the User, with Customers, with suppliers and, in general, with interested parties in ordinary commercial and legal relationships, the Company must acquire some data of the interested party, including - not necessarily cumulatively, they may be necessary only certain - your identification data, physical and electronic addresses, fixed and / or mobile telephone numbers, bank details or card numbers or other way of payment, as any other data as well that is absolutely essential for the Service provision , in compliance with necessity and proportionality principle.
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to navigate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.
This information will not be collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but through processing and association with data held by third parties. This category of data includes IP addresses or computers domain names used by users connecting to the site, the addresses in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) note of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the file size obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user's computer environment.
This site uses cookies, please refer to the specific information available at the following link:
Voluntarily data sent by the user
If the User sends spontaneous communications to the company, the relative address is acquired, as any data contained in the communication as well.
4. Nature of the provision of personal data
Data provision to Ecocart spa is necessary for the Provision of personal data by the interested party for the purposes described in point 1, excluding marketing and commercial communication purposes. In case of not provisioning data, therefore, User will not be unable to get provided the Service offered by Ecocart spa or the inability to receive marketing and commercial communications.
5. Communication and personal data dissemination
Interested party personal data may be disclosed to third parties, where necessary:
To all subjects, public and private sectors, to whom personal data access of the interested party is recognized by legal provisions or by order of administrative and / or jurisdictional authority
The data processors, employees, collaborators and suppliers of Ecocart Spa, within the scope of their duties and the contractual relationship with them, for the contractual obligations execution with the interested party
To post offices, shippers and couriers, where necessary to send documentation or other material to the interested party
To juridical, public and private subjects (for example, with a non-exhaustive list, legal or commercial studies, Chambers of Commerce, Authorities, etc.), where necessary for the activities carried out by the Company Ecocart Spa for the purposes set out in 1
Banking institutions
Service and internet provider
A commercial information company (see the specific Innolva statement at the following link:
Data are not subject to disclosure, except for voluntarily data that User publishes through comments and reviews on the Company's social pages.
6. Interested party Rights
Interested party has all the rights described in articles 15 and following of the GDPR, in particular, it has the right to obtain access, rectification, cancellation, data portability, as well as the right to limit their treatment, the right to revoke the consent (without prejudice to the lawfulness of the previous processing), to oppose the processing itself and to propose a complaint to a Supervisory Authority.
These rights may be exercised by the interested party with a request made without formalities to the holder to whom appropriate confirmation is provided without any delay. The request addressed to the owner or manager can also be sent by registered letter, fax or e-mail to the following addresses:
Ecocart spa
Via Biagio Accolti Gil, 19 - 70123 BARI
7. Data controller
The data controller is the company Ecocart Spa Registered office: Via Biagio Accolti Gil, 19 - 20123 - BARI Cod. Fisc. and VAT number IT03859340725
8. Update
This information is subject to changes and updates, for which the User is invited to consult it regularly. Please let us know if you did not understand one or more contents of this statement and contact us for further information.